This article describes in detail how to use HIDVCAM camera, including how to connect HIDVCAM camera, function settings, etc.
It is suitable for all HIDVCAM cameras, such as mini cameras, bulb cameras, indoor and outdoor cameras, etc.
HIDVCAM supports Android and iPhone, you can download it from google play or app store.
Login to HIDVCAM
To use HIDVCAM, you need to register and login to use it.
Click on Login or Me, and select Register to register your account.

HIDVCAM Connection Notes
- To use HIDVCAM APP, please allow all permissions, otherwise you may not be able to connect to the camera. (You can turn off the unneeded permissions after setting the network mode)
- To connect HIDVCAM camera, you need to turn on the GPS location of your phone, and turn on the gps location permission of HIDVCAM APP, so that the app can get the wifi information of the camera. (You can turn off the permission after setting the network mode)
- If the APP can’t add camera automatically, please try to close the SIM card network.
- After connecting to the camera’s hotspot wifi, the phone prompts no network, to switch wifi, please choose not to switch.
Connect HIDVCAM Camera To Wifi
HIDVCAM cameras have two connection modes, it is recommended to select Add device by camera’s hotspot, which is suitable for most HIDVCAM cameras.
AP mode connection
1. Click + , select Add device by camera’s hotspot, power on the HIDVCAM camera and click Next.

2. If you are using the HIDVCAM camera for the first time, you do not have to reset the camera, just click Next.
The camera only supports 2.4Ghz wifi, please select 2.4G wifi, then enter your wifi password and click Next. Make sure your wifi and wifi password are correct and click Confirm.

3. Click Next, then connect to the camera’s hotspot wifi, the wifi name is: IPC-xxxxxxxx, connect to the wifi and return to the HIDVCAM APP, wait for the camera to connect to your wifi.
Make sure the camera is powered on, then reset the camera.

4. After successful connection, set the camera name and you can start using the HIDVCAM camera.

QR Code Connection
1. Click on + , select Add device by scanning code, power on the camera and click on Next.

2. If you are using HIDVCAM for the first time, you don’t have to reset the camera and click on Next.
The camera only supports 2.4g wifi, make sure the current wifi is 2.4G, then enter your wifi password, make sure the wifi and wifi password are correct and click Confirm.

3. Point the QR code displayed on your phone at the camera lens, at a distance of 6 to 14 in.

4. When you see the light change from flashing to steady or hear the camera beep, the camera has successfully scanned the QR code. Click “Next”.
Then wait for the camera to connect to your wifi.

5. Once you have successfully connected, you can set a camera name and start using it.

Using HIDVCAM cameras without internet
You can use this mode if you do not have internet access or if you only need to use the HIVCAM camera at close range.
Turn on the camera, then wait 30 seconds for the camera to boot up, and for your phone to connect to the camera’s hotspot wifi, the wifi name is IPC-XXXXXXX, if you can’t find the camera’s wifi, please reset the camera.
After connecting to the camera’s wifi, return to the app and you can start using the camera.
This mode needs to be connected to the camera’s wifi to work.

1. Go to camera settings, select Share device, then enter the user ID you want to share or scan the QR code.

The user ID and QR code can be found in the Me screen

Recording settings
You will need to insert a memory card to record, please do so with the camcorder switched off.
Enter the SD Card Recording screen, where you can view the current card status and recording settings.
Motion: Alarm recording, recording will only take place when motion is detected.
Loop: 24 hour recording
Schedule: Timed recording

Recording Playback
Click on Rec/Play to view the recorded video

Motion detection settings
Turn on Detection alarm in Alarm, you can set it to work 24 hours a day or at regular intervals. With motion detection switched on, the camera will send you a notification when it detects an object moving.
To set up alarm recording, please set it up in SD Card Recording.

This article describes in detail how to use HIDVCAM camera, including how to connect HIDVCAM camera, function settings, etc.
It is suitable for all HIDVCAM cameras, such as mini cameras, bulb cameras, indoor and outdoor cameras, etc.
HIDVCAM supports Android and iPhone, you can download it from google play or app store.
Login to HIDVCAM
To use HIDVCAM, you need to register and login to use it.
Click on Login or Me, and select Register to register your account.

HIDVCAM Connection Notes
- To use HIDVCAM APP, please allow all permissions, otherwise you may not be able to connect to the camera. (You can turn off the unneeded permissions after setting the network mode)
- To connect HIDVCAM camera, you need to turn on the GPS location of your phone, and turn on the gps location permission of HIDVCAM APP, so that the app can get the wifi information of the camera. (You can turn off the permission after setting the network mode)
- If the APP can’t add camera automatically, please try to close the SIM card network.
- After connecting to the camera’s hotspot wifi, the phone prompts no network, to switch wifi, please choose not to switch.
Connect HIDVCAM Camera To Wifi
HIDVCAM cameras have two connection modes, it is recommended to select Add device by camera’s hotspot, which is suitable for most HIDVCAM cameras.
AP mode connection
1. Click + , select Add device by camera’s hotspot, power on the HIDVCAM camera and click Next.

2. If you are using the HIDVCAM camera for the first time, you do not have to reset the camera, just click Next.
The camera only supports 2.4Ghz wifi, please select 2.4G wifi, then enter your wifi password and click Next. Make sure your wifi and wifi password are correct and click Confirm.

3. Click Next, then connect to the camera’s hotspot wifi, the wifi name is: IPC-xxxxxxxx, connect to the wifi and return to the HIDVCAM APP, wait for the camera to connect to your wifi.
Make sure the camera is powered on, then reset the camera.

4. After successful connection, set the camera name and you can start using the HIDVCAM camera.

QR Code Connection
1. Click on + , select Add device by scanning code, power on the camera and click on Next.

2. If you are using HIDVCAM for the first time, you don’t have to reset the camera and click on Next.
The camera only supports 2.4g wifi, make sure the current wifi is 2.4G, then enter your wifi password, make sure the wifi and wifi password are correct and click Confirm.

3. Point the QR code displayed on your phone at the camera lens, at a distance of 6 to 14 in.

4. When you see the light change from flashing to steady or hear the camera beep, the camera has successfully scanned the QR code. Click “Next”.
Then wait for the camera to connect to your wifi.

5. Once you have successfully connected, you can set a camera name and start using it.

Using HIDVCAM cameras without internet
You can use this mode if you do not have internet access or if you only need to use the HIVCAM camera at close range.
Turn on the camera, then wait 30 seconds for the camera to boot up, and for your phone to connect to the camera’s hotspot wifi, the wifi name is IPC-XXXXXXX, if you can’t find the camera’s wifi, please reset the camera.
After connecting to the camera’s wifi, return to the app and you can start using the camera.
This mode needs to be connected to the camera’s wifi to work.

1. Go to camera settings, select Share device, then enter the user ID you want to share or scan the QR code.

The user ID and QR code can be found in the Me screen

Recording settings
You will need to insert a memory card to record, please do so with the camcorder switched off.
Enter the SD Card Recording screen, where you can view the current card status and recording settings.
Motion: Alarm recording, recording will only take place when motion is detected.
Loop: 24 hour recording
Schedule: Timed recording

Recording Playback
Click on Rec/Play to view the recorded video

Motion detection settings
Turn on Detection alarm in Alarm, you can set it to work 24 hours a day or at regular intervals. With motion detection switched on, the camera will send you a notification when it detects an object moving.
To set up alarm recording, please set it up in SD Card Recording.

Wie erfogt der Zugriff der Camera im WLAN über Mobile 4G?
Was bedueten die Farben rot (offline), blau (online), grün(online) in der App auf der Seite des Gerätes neben dem Zahnradsymbol
It doesnt work i’ve tried it over and over. It being, the cameras dont connect to my network. They have before but now no matter what I do theyre not connecting or when one of them does connect to my network (2.4) im not able to use it. The word unbound is on the app screen in the app. They were both working in the past like i said , through the QR code setup but they stopped. I forget the model name, it would show in the app if i could connect. I bought them both off of Amazon a year or so ago. Thanks for your post, I was hopeful i would be able to get them connected again but I guess i have to keep working on it
Battery charge lasts about 2 hrs. When I bought it the specs said 6 hrs. Only get 2hrs when connected to charger. Manuals and docs provide zero info about battery time or charging.
para registar-me na APP meto email, password mas o nr de verificação não sei para onde vai nem como obter
For HIDVCAM version v2.5.12 build 1, need another charging cord and am interested in another device. Please let me know information for both items. Thank you
New camera.
I have no indication of battery charging. With the camera operating I have a charge indicator in the upper right. It currently says 56%.
Why can’t I see my cameras away from home ?
Can you have two cameras on the same app? I need it for two side by side rooms.
Do I need to install the app again? How do I set them up? I have one set up already.