This article contains all the contents of IPC360 Home, multiple ways to add, settings of IPC360 Home camera functions, and will be continuously updated.
IPC360 Home APP download
IPC360 Home supports Android and iPhone, you can download it from google play or app store.
Login IPC360 Home
To use the IPC360 Home camera, you need to register for an IPC360 Home account and log in.
If you are using the camera without internet you don’t need an account.

Connect IPC360 Home camera to wifi
1. Click Add Device or + , to enter the Add Camera screen. To have a better service, please confirm the country selected is your current location.

2. Scan the QR code of IPC360 Home camera, the QR code is on the camera, not on the manual.

If you can’t find the QR code of the camera or the QR code is corrupted, please click on ‘QR code cannot be found or missing?’ and select wifi camera.

3. Let the IPC360 Home camera connect to the power supply, if it is a bulb camera, please connect the lamp holder and start the power.
After the camera is powered on, wait for the camera to start up, about 30 seconds, if the red light does not flash rapidly, please reset the camera.
4. Click ‘My camera light flashes in red.’, then click Next.

5. Go to your phone’s wifi list, connect to IPC360 Home Camera’s hotspot wifi, the wifi name is “IPC365 AP-xxx” or “IPC360-xxx” , after connecting, return to APP, select your wifi, and enter the wifi password.
(If you can’t find “IPC365 AP-xxx” or “IPC360-xxx” wifi, please reset your camera.)

6. Wait for IPC360 Home camera to connect to your wifi, about 30-60 seconds, after successfully connecting, it will automatically enter the next step, and then set the name to start using it.

7. The first time you use IPC360 Home camera, you will get one month cloud storage for free, if you don’t need it, please click X, otherwise it may be deducted automatically after expiration.

Using the IPC360 Home camera without Internet
You can use this feature if you don’t have internet access or you don’t need to use IPC360 Home remotely.
1. Let the IPC360 Home camera connect to the power supply, if it is a bulb camera, please connect the lamp holder and start the power.
After the camera is powered on, wait for the camera to start up, about 30 seconds, if the red light does not flash rapidly, please reset the camera.
2. Download IPC360 Home APP, if you have logged in, please log out.
Connect the camera’s hotspot wifi in your mobile phone’s wifi list, the wifi name is “IPC365 AP-xxx” or “IPC360-xxx”, after connecting, go back to APP, click No Internet.
(If you can’t find “IPC365 AP-xxx” or “IPC360-xxx” wifi, please reset your camera.)

3. After entering the No Internet interface, you can start to use the IPC360 Home camera, it is recommended that you set a password for the camera’s wifi, otherwise anyone can connect to the camera.

4. After setting the password, the camera will reboot, reconnect the camera’s wifi, and enter the wifi password you set.

An IPC360 Home camera can only be added by one account, to use multiple accounts at the same time, you need to share the camera to be able to.
1. Click Share or go to Share Device in the camera settings.

2. Click Share and enter your IPC360 Home account to share, you can share up to 5 accounts.

Sharing Notes:
- Each shared user must have an IPC360 Home account. If they do not have an account, please register first.
- Each shared user should be in the same country as you. If not, they should go to IPC360 Home > tap your avatar > change country.
- The maximum number of shared users is 5.
Recording settings
To enable the IPC360 Home camera to record, you need a memory card to work, please first insert the memory card in the camera off state, the camera can be recognised normally.
1. After inserting the memory card into the MicroSD Card interface, check if the memory card status is Normal, if it shows abnormality, please try to format the memory card.
2. You can set the Record Storage Mode and Video Quality.

Viewing Memory Card Recordings
In the camera’s live video interface, click SD Card, you can view the video saved in the memory card.
The coloured time indicates the recording time, and the yellow time indicates the alarm recording.

Motion Detection Settings
IPC360 Home camera’s motion detection is always on and can’t be turned off, if you don’t want to receive alarm notifications, you can turn off Alarm Push Notifications in the Alarm interface.
You can set the alarm sensitivity and time. The camera also has Smart Al Detection and Human Detection, which require a subscription to activate.

You can also set up Alarm Soundhe and Alarm Light. With Alarm Soundhe set up, the camera will sound an alarm when it detects movement.
Setting Alarm Light will activate a white light when the camera detects motion. (This function is available only when white light is supported)

View Alarm Messages
You can view alarm messages in the Alarm interface, and if you have inserted a memory card, click on the message to view the recording.

Night vision light settings
You can set the IPC360 Home camera’s night vision operating mode in the Night Vision section of the Video screen or the Live Video screen.
Smart Mode: Switch to Smart Mode and enjoy black and white night vision. The camera delivers a vivid, full colour image when motion is detected.
Colorful: Camera provides colourful video in low light conditions. If abnormal video is displayed, please switch to black and white mode.
Black & White: Camera provides black and white video in low light conditions.

Sound Settings
In Sound Settings, you can turn off the IPC360 Home camera’s voice prompts, adjust the sound volume and turn off the microphone.

Turn off the indicator light
In Advanced, you can switch off the camera’s LEDs, Status Light is the switch for the LEDs.

Motion Tracking Settings
The IPC360 Home camera can follow the movement of an object, in the Live Video screen, click Trace to start motion tracking.

Pan-Tilt Control
In the Live Video interface, click Pan-Tilt to control the IPC360 Home camera to rotate up, down, left and right.

save location
You can save the current position of the camera, and later on you just need to click on the picture to make the camera start rotating to the specified position.
1. Click Collect, enter a name, and click Save.
2. Click on My Collections and the camera will rotate to show the view of your collected location.
3. Support timer. Once you have set a timer, the camera will automatically return to this position after manual adjustments or motion tracking.

How can I see multiple IPC360 Home cameras at once?
In the Live screen, click the first icon to enter multi-screen mode, click + to add another camera.
(Not available in no internet mode)

Why do I connect to IPC360 Home camera’s hotspot wifi, but the app doesn’t show the connection screen?
- Please try to turn off the mobile phone SIM card network, and then reconnect.
- If it is Android mobile phone, it may prompt can’t network, switch wifi, please don’t click switch, make sure the mobile phone is connected to the wifi of IPC360 Home camera.
- If it is an Apple mobile phone, please check whether the Local Network permission is turned on or not.
- Reset the camera, and then reconnect it.
- If none of the above solves the problem, then it may be a problem with the camera, please contact our technical support.

Reset IPC360 Home camera
- Press rest button for 5 seconds until red light flashes 3 times per second.
- Or unplug the camera and plug in, then repeat step 1.
se sale de la aplicación cada 5 minutos en modo de monitoreo, alguna solución?
If you want to review the camera remotely you will need wifi and a subscription. I believe it is $3.99 u.s. a month for three cameras.
Will I be forced to buy cloud subscription if I want to view playback on my android? My current one from a different company is forcing me to buy cloud.
I have got a bulb camera.Please advise if I can flip the image I see in mobile can be flipped upside down (ie, rotyaye 180 degree).The camera is screwed in upright and not hanging down from ceiling. How do I resolve it?
Hi Why wont my camera stay on all day
I have bought “smart 8k wifi PTZ IP camera” 4MPx4 pixels (powered by PUWELL). I have to add it in to the NVR (wireless) I am looking for the IP address of this camera. Can you please help me what is the IP address of this camera coming from manufacturer. Or do you have a reliable source to find the IP address of tis camera so that I will configure it and add to my IMOU NVR 1108hs (wireless).
Thank you so much.
The IPC 360 camera that I bought cannot connect to WiFi and always restarts itself. Please help because the two cameras I bought have not been used until now
Kamera IPC 360 yang saya beli tidak bisa terkoneksi ke wifi dan selalu restart sendiri. Mohon bantuannya sebab dua kamera yg saya beli blm bisa terpakai sampai sekarang.
I cannot find a way to download any of the alarm event recordings from the memory card on the mobile phone. I think this should be an essential function.