This manual contains all the contents of Kasa, how to add it, how to set up the functions of Kasa cameras, etc. continuously updated.
Kasa Smart APP download
Download Kasa Get the Kasa Smart app from the App Store or Google Play.

Register your account and login
Log In Open the app, and log in with your TP-Link ID. If you don’t have an account, create one first.

How to connect kasa camera to wifi?
1. Start Setup Tap the button in the Kasa app and select Cameras > Kasa Spot Pan Tilt.

2. Follow app instructions to configure your camera and add it to your home network.

3. After you successfully set up your camera, you will see the home page of the Kasa Smart app. Here you can view and manage all devices that you’ve added to Kasa. Tap your camera to enter the live view page and further manage it.

How to record with kasa camera?
Set 24/7 Recording
24/7 Recording: When 24/7 Recording is enabled, your camera record every minute of every day so you’ll never miss a thing.
Note: Format your microSD card in the Kasa Smart app before using it.
1. Get to know 24/7 Recording.

2. Check the recorded videos in 24/7 Recording.
Tap your camera in the Home page to enter the live view page, and then tap icon

3. Enable or disable 24/7 Recording.
Tap your in the live view page and tap 24/7 Recording. Here you can enable or disabled the feature and check the storage of your microSD card.
Encryption: when enabled, all videos recorded to your SD card can only be read from this camera.

Set Detection Recording
Enable Detect Motion / Detect Person if you want your camera to record when motion / person is detected. Also set the sensitivity of detection.
Enable Listen for Sound / Detect Baby Crying if you want your camera to record when sound / baby crying is detected. Then set its sensitivity.

Choose whether to record audio
Enable Record Audio if you want to also record sound during recording.

How to reset kasa camera?
kasa provides two methods to reset your camera.
Reset Method 1
Find the RESET button, press and hold the RESET button to reset the kasa camera.
• Press and hold for 3s to 15s: Reset Wi-Fi connection
• Press and hold for over 15s: Reset to Factory mode
Reset Method 2
Swipe left your camera on the Home page and tap Delete. Then tap Remove Device. Your camera will be removed from your Kasa account and restored to factory settings.

Tap your camera and go to the Devices Settings page. Then tap Remove Device in the bottom.
Your camera will be removed from your Kasa account and restored to factory settings.