Purchased a Blurams camera do not know how to set up? You can see how to use all Blurams features here.
1. You can share the Blurams camera with your family or friends, click on the share icon > Invite Family

2. Enter the email address and name you want to share, you can select the permissions the other party can use, then click Invite to share the camera.
After sharing, the other party can view the camera by logging into Blurams, if you don’t have a Blurams account, you need to register and log in.

Horizontal and Vertical Motion Blurams Cameras
With PTZ for Blurams cameras, you can control the camera to move horizontally or vertically to see more range.
Tap PTZ, or slide in the video, you can control the camera movement.

Fast moving Blurams camera
With the panorama or Preset function, you can quickly move Blurams cameras to a specified location.
Click to generate panorama, wait for the camera to generate a panorama (10-30 seconds), then click on the image, the Blurams camera will move to the specified location.
After clicking Preset, the camera will save the current position, just click on the picture and the camera will move to the specified position. Long press the picture to delete the current position.

Set up motion detection
When the Blurams camera detects an object moving, it will send a notification to your phone.
1. Click Notifications, select Motion detection

2. Turn on the Motion detection switch, you can choose the detection sensitivity and activity zones.
Activity zones: The default is to detect the entire video, you can choose the area to be detected, blue indicates the detection area.
Sensitivity: Select the sensitivity that suits you.

Receive alarm notification
Open Allow notifications, click Notification frequency, select Receive all notifications.

Set up memory card recording
Blurams camera needs to insert a memory card to record, you can set continuous recording or alarm recording.
Blurams camera default is Event recording, will only record when motion or abnormal sound is detected, you can click SD card record mode to switch the recording mode.

View memory card video
In the LIVE interface, click the icon to switch to memory card mode, the gray one means there is video at the current time, slide to the corresponding time to view the video