This article contains all the contents of blurams, multiple ways to add, settings of blurams camera functions, how to use the computer, and will be continuously updated.
How to connect blurams Camera?
Different blurams models need to be added in different ways depending on your smart phone and device model, there are two ways to add devices: using a QR code and using the AP mode. Before you start adding devices, please note the following points:
a. Make sure the device is On and the red light is flashing; please use the original power adapter and cord to avoid issues such as insufficient power supply.
b. Make sure the network connection is normal. Please connect your phone to a stable Wi-Fi connection, and use the phone’s system browser to visit a website and check whether the network connection is good.
c. Make sure the phone and the device are under the same 2.4GHz Wi-Fi Network (the device does not currently support 5GHz/5G). If you are using a dual-band router, you can log in to the router’s background control panel to enable a 2.4GHz/2.4G Wi-Fi connection, or contact the router’s provider to inquire how to enable it.
d. Place the device close to the router.
Please note that during the process of adding a device, the App needs permissions to get the Wi-Fi information of the phone. Due to privacy limitations of the Android and iOS systems, obtaining the Wi-Fi information also requires the position/location permission from your phone. Please agree to authorize the permissions. If you have refused to grant location permission, you can reauthorize it in the following way: a. iOS users: System Settings -> blurams -> Location -> Select “While Using” b. Android users: System Settings -> Applications -> blurams -> Permissions -> Open “Location”
QR Code
1. On the device list of the app, tap the “+” sign in the upper right corner.
2. Select the device you’re going to add.
3. Press and hold the RESET button until the indicator light of the device changes to a blinking red light, or you hear a beep.
4. Make sure that the Wi-Fi is a 2.4G network. Enter the Wi-Fi password and connect it with camera.
5. Have the device scan the the QR code generated on the phone, and keep a proper distance until the camera’s indicator light changes to a blinking green light, or you hear two beeps.
6. After scanning the QR code successfully, the device will start to connect to the Wi-Fi and server and finish its setup.
AP Mode
1. On the device list of the app, tap the “+” sign in the upper right corner.
2. Select the device you’re going to add
3. Press and hold the RESET button until the indicator light of the device changes to a blinking red light, or you hear a beep.
4. Go to the phone’s Setting -> Wi-Fi and connect your phone to a Wi-Fi named “CC_xxxxxxx”
5. After the connection is successful, return to the Blurams APP to display the Wi-Fi list scanned by the device.
6. Select the Wi-Fi to which the device will be connected and enter the password
7. After clicking Next, the device will start to connect to the Wi-Fi and server and complete the setup.
Voice prompt description
In the process of adding a device, in order to let users know the current status of the device, the device will play some sound or voice prompts informing you of the status and progress of the device. These include the following.
1. One “Beep”
After pressing the “RESET” button of the device for a long time, a “beep” sound will be emitted, indicating that the device has entered the network configuration mode.
2. Two “beeps”
When the device scans the QR code or the phone transmits Wi-Fi information to the device through the AP mode, it will emit two beeps, indicating that the device has received a request to add a device.
3. “Camera is having trouble finding your network, please check your network name again and move the camera closer to your router”
This means that the device cannot find and connect to the Wi-Fi, and it will not be added to the account, you need to retry adding the device. When re-adding the device, check the following:
a. The connected Wi-Fi is a 2.4G Wi-Fi network, not a 5G Wi-Fi network
b. You entered the correct Wi-Fi password
c. The device is close to the router
4. “Camera is having trouble connecting to the network, please try re-entering your password”
The Wi-Fi name and password you entered do not match. Please try to add the device again and make sure the Wi-Fi name and password you entered are correct.
5. “Camera is having trouble finding your network, please try moving camera closer to your router”
The Wi-Fi signal is weak, please try adding the device after placing the device close to the router.
6. “Wi-Fi connection successful, camera is trying to connect the server.”
The device has successfully connected to Wi-Fi and will try to request a connection to the server
7. “Wi-Fi network error, the camera is having trouble connecting to the network, please try again later”
The device failed to connect to the server. Please check whether the Wi-Fi network can connect to the Internet normally.
8. “Configuration is complete, please wait for the camera online”
The device has been added successfully. You can start using the device after completing the rest of the configuration process according to the prompts.
What do the different status light colors mean?
Status lights are an important tool that can help you find out what a given problem is. They can be divided into the following types:
1. The indicator light is off
If the indicator light is off, the indicator was turned off by the user or the device is not currently powered on. If it was turned off by the user, you can go to the device’s [Preferences/Settings] ” ” on your app and turn on the indicator light switch; if the status of the indicator light on the device’s [Preferences/Settings] ” ” is on, check whether the device is connected normally to a power source.
2. The red light is on
If the red light is on, the device has not been added or the device is offline. Please try adding the device again.
3. The red light is blinking
If the red light is blinking, the device is attempting to connect to the network, the device will attempt to scan the QR code or will wait for your smart phone to connect to the AP hotspot of the device.
4. The green light is on
If the green light is on, the device is working well and isn’t encountering any issue.
5. The green light is blinking
If the green light is blinking, the device is trying to connect to the Wi-Fi or trying to connect to the server. This status will appear when the device is turned back on after having been turned off, or while trying to reconnect after having been disconnected. This status will also appear during the process of adding a device.
If your family or friends also need access to the blurams camera under your account, you can do this the following ways:
1. Allow them to log in with the same account
Tell your friend or family member to download the“blurams”app on their phone, and then let them log in with your account name and password so that they can see your devices.
By logging in this way, their privileges and permissions are the same as yours, including privileges such as deleting devices, turning off devices, downloading videos, etc. Before sharing your account with others, please make sure that you trust them with these privileges.
2. Share your device(s) with other accounts
If you don’t want to share your account directly with family or friends, then you can share a specified device with your family or friends through the device sharing option.
Your friend or family member needs to have registered an account on the “blurams” APP. To find the device sharing option, on your own account, enter the device live page, tap the button in the upper right corner of the page, and then go to Preferences-> Device Sharing-> Invite Family. Enter his/her blurams account. The device will be directly displayed in the device list of the account of your friend/family member.
In this way, your family member or friend only has access to basic functions (the ones you allowed), such as real-time video, voice intercom, screenshots, historical videos. He (she) cannot modify device settings.
Stop sharing blurams camera with others
If you want to stop sharing the blurams camera with others, go to the camera page, select [Preferences/Settings] “ ” -> [Device sharing]. Choose the account and tap the “Delete” button on the detail page to cancel the sharing.
If you want to delete the device that others have shared with you, enter the device live page and then click the “Cancel Share” button in the upper right corner of the page.
When sharing the blurams camera with others, you can set different access options for them. The following access settings are currently supported:
1. Live broadcast
Live broadcast permissions include basic functions such as viewing live videos, voice intercom, screenshots, and locally recorded video. If you want to share your device with family or friends, live broadcast is indispensable.
2. Playback
Playback permissions means that the person you shared your device with can view the historical videos of the device, including screenshots and locally recorded videos. Currently, we only support historical video playback viewing from the cloud storage. Viewing videos on the SD card is not supported.
3. PTZ
For PTZ-enabled devices, you can additionally set PTZ control options for the device. With access to PTZ control, the person you share with can arbitrarily adjust the camera lens orientation. The lens may be adjusted to an improper angle, so please be careful with whom you share the PTZ control function.
Set Activity zones
If you prefer to receive motion detection notifications only for a certain area of the device’s field of view, please enter the device’s [Preferences/Settings] ” ” -> [Notification] -> [Motion detection] -> [Activity zones], you can select certain areas of interest called “Activity Zones” in the device’s field of view, as shown on the picture below. Notifications will be sent when there is motion detected in that area.

How can I turn on / off face recognition?
After you subscribe a Cloud Service for your device, in order to protect user privacy, the device will not enable face recognition by default. You can go to the device’s [Preferences/Settings] ” ” -> [Face recognition] to view the status of the [Face recognition and detection] option. You can choose to turn this feature on or off.
Frequently Asked Questions
The Camera video picture is upside down
If you find that the video on your phone is upside down, it is probably due to the device being installed with its top facing down and its bottom facing up. Please enter the device’s [Preferences/Settings] ” ” and tap on the [Rotate 180°] option to correct the video picture.
Abnormal Video screen
1. The Video screen becomes black and white
The device automatically turns night vision mode on or off according to the brightness of the surrounding environment by default. When the device enters the night vision mode, the device will turn on the infrared light. At this time, the video screen will turn black and white, so that the surrounding scenes and things can be clearly seen in a dark environment.
If the video screen appears black and white even when the ambient light level is sufficiently bright, please check whether the night vision mode is set on. If it is, turn it off and restart the device.
2. Abnormal Video screen
If the video screen shows other colors, please try to restart the device, and check if the playback video works fine. If the problem persists, please contact us at .
What can I do if the live stream is blurry?
If the device’s live stream is blurry, try doing the following:
1. Please make sure the protective film on the device lens has been removed, and wipe the lens clean.
2. Please enter the device live page, switch the video quality to FHD mode (please note that after switching to Full High Definition mode, higher upload network speed on the device side and higher downstream bandwidth support on the phone side are required).
Why can’t the blurams camera detect the SD card?
a. Please make sure the SD card works properly by testing the write and read files functions on a computer via a SD card reader, then insert the SD card in the device.
b. Please power off the device before inserting the SD card.
c. The device only supports FAT32 format SD card. Please format the SD card into FAT32 format on your computer before inserting it into the device.
d. The SD card capacity is 8GB ~ 128GB.
Why can’t I see any videos on the timeline after inserting the SD card?
The device supports both cloud recording and SD card recording mode. The timeline displays videos which are in the cloud by default. If you need to view the video on the SD card, please switch the viewing way to SD card using one of the following ways:
1. Enter the device’s [Preferences/Settings] “ ” -> [Storage] -> [Video viewing ways] and select the SD card.
2. Enter the live page, tap the “ ” button to switch the timeline to the SD card mode.
In addition, you can switch the video recording mode on the SD card through the device’s [Preferences/Settings] “ ” -> [Storage] -> [SD card record mode].
The following recording modes are supported:
1. Not recording
The device will no longer record video data to the SD card.
2. Event recording
The device will record video data to the SD card only when an event is detected.
3. All day recording
If the SD card is inserted into the device, the device will record video data to the SD card at all times even when the device is not connected to the network. However, the SD card might be damaged over time if this mode is used for long periods of time as this engages the card continually.