The first thing you need to do after receiving your blurams camera is to connect it to WiFi. If your blurams camera cannot connect to WiFi, you can also fix it.
Connect Blurams Camera
Connecting the blurams camera is easy, just follow the steps below to connect the camera.
1. Download blurams app, you can download blurams app from Apple App Store and Google Play Store.
2. Open the blurams app, register your blurams account and login.
3. After logging into the Blurams app, click on the ‘+’ icon, then select your Blurams camera.
We use blurams A31 camera as a demo, other blurams cameras are connected in the same way.

4. Please connect the blurams camera to the power supply and wait for 30 seconds until the red light flashes. Then click ‘See the red light is flashing’.
Red light is not flashing? Please check Common problem.

5. Enter your wifi password and click Next, then turn the QR code displayed in the app towards the blurams camera and wait for the camera to scan it.
When the camera beeps beep beep, click ‘I heard the beep’.
Can’t scan the QR code? Please check Common problem.
Most blurams cameras only support 2.4G wifi, please choose 2.4g wifi to connect to blurams cameras.

6. Wait for the blurams camera to connect to the wifi network (about 30 seconds).
After successful connection, follow the app instructions. The first time you connect the camera, you will be given free cloud storage, click ‘Get It Now’ to get it

Why blurams camera can not connect to wifi?
blurams camera can not connect to wifi is a common problem, don’t worry, you just need to check the following steps to fix the problem of not connecting to wifi.
- Make sure the blurams camera red light is blinking
- Connect the camera near the router
- check your wifi password, this is the most common error.
- Connect to 2.4G wifi, most blurams cameras only support 2.4G wifi.
- Reboot the router, sometimes the router failure will cause the camera can not connect.

Or you can follow the voice prompts to troubleshoot the problem.
Camera is having trouble finding your network, please check your network name again and move the camera closer to your router.
- This means the camera can not find the wifi, please check if your wifi name is correct, case sensitive.
- please connect 2.4G wifi
- let the camera close to the router
Camera is having trouble connecting to the network, please try re-entering your password
The Wi-Fi name and password you entered do not match. Please try to add the blurams camera again and make sure the Wi-Fi name and password you entered are correct.
Camera is having trouble finding your network, please try moving camera closer to your router.
The Wi-Fi signal is weak, please try adding the device after placing the device close to the router.
Wi-Fi connection successful, camera is trying to connect the server.
The blurams camera has successfully connected to Wi-Fi and will try to request a connection to the server
Wi-Fi network error, the camera is having trouble connecting to the network, please try again later
The blurams camera failed to connect to the server. Please check whether the Wi-Fi network can connect to the Internet normally.
Configuration is complete, please wait for the camera online
The blurams camera has been added successfully. You can start using the device after completing the rest of the configuration process according to the prompts.