We have compiled information on RTSP and ONVIF ports, account passwords and address for 100+ brands of cameras and verified them to ensure that you can use them straight away, so you don’t need to spend hours searching the internet and possibly encountering incorrect information.
What is RTSP and ONVIF?
RTSP allows you to extract a real-time video stream from cameras and view it from different devices and software. Its primary use is to transmit video from a camera to an NVR, software, or even a home automation solution.
ONVIF is a global open network video interface, whose purpose is to provide and develop a standardized open interface for the security industry to enable different manufacturers to interconnect.
Common RTSP address
RTSP Url: rtsp://[camera ip]:[port]
Example: rtsp://
Url with username: rtsp://[username]:[password]@[ip]:[port]
Example: rtsp://admin:123456@
[username]:[password]@ is optional and is used for authentication if the RTSP stream requires it.
[ip] is the The IP address of the camera, usually you can check the IP in the app or in the background of your router.
[port] is the port number that the RTSP stream is listening on (default is usually 554).
12+ RTSP and ONVIF info
Please comment if the information is incorrect or your brand of camera is not found.
Press Ctrl+F to search for your camera’s app or brand.
If no RTSP or ONVIF port information is listed below, then it means that it is not supported.

Tuya Smart
Tuya Smart camera is produced by many third-party manufacturers, and not all Tuya Smart cameras support RTSP or ONVIF. It’s advisable to reach out to your camera vendor for more information about their specific product’s capabilities.
- RTSP Ports: 554
- RTSP Url: rtsp://[camera ip]:[port]
- Example URL: rtsp://
- HTTP web Port: 80
- ONVIF Port: 80
- Username: admin
- Password: 123456 or no password

For yoosee cameras before 2021, you can connect directly to rtsp, for cameras after 2021 you need to open the ONVIF settings in the app.
- RTSP Ports: 554
- RTSP Url: rtsp://[ip]:[port]/[Stream]
- Stream: onvif1 – HD , onvif2 – SD
- Example URL: rtsp://
- ONVIF Port: 5000
- Discover port: 3702
- Username: admin or the ONVIF username you have set up
- Password: 123456 or the ONVIF password you have set

V380 and V380 PRO ports are the same
- RTSP Ports: 554
- RTSP Url: rtsp://[ip]//live/[Stream]
- Stream: ch00_1 – HD , ch00_0 – SD
- Example URL: rtsp://
- ONVIF Port: 8899
- Username: admin
- Password: admin or the password you set
- RTSP Ports: 554
- RTSP Url: rtsp://[username]:[password]@[ip]:[port]/[codec]/[channel]/[subtype]/av_stream
- codec: h264, MPEG-4, mpeg4
- channel: Start at 1, for example, channel 1, then ch1.
- subtype: stream type, the main stream is main, the secondary stream is sub.
- Example URL: rtsp://admin:12345@
- HTTP web Port: 80
- ONVIF Port: 80
- HTTPS port: 443
- Service port: 8000
- Username: admin
- Password: 12345 or the password you set
- RTSP Ports: 554
- RTSP Url: rtsp://[username]:[password]@[ip]:[port]/cam/realmonitor?[channel=1]&[subtype=0]
- channel: Starts at 1. For example, if channel 2, then channel=2.
- subtype: The stream type, primary stream is 0, secondary stream is 1.
- Example URL: rtsp://admin:admin@
- HTTP web Port: 80
- ONVIF Port: 80
- HTTPS port: 443
- TCP port: 37777
- UDP port: 37778
- Username: admin
- Password: admin

- RTSP Ports: 554
- RTSP Url: rtsp://[ip]:[port]/[user=admin]&[password=]&[channel=1]&[stream=0.sdp?]
- channel=: Starts at 1. For example, if channel 2, then channel=2.
- stream=The stream type, primary stream is 0, secondary stream is 1.
- Example URL: rtsp://
- HTTP web Port: 80
- ONVIF Port: 8899
- TCP port: 34567
- Username: admin
- Password: No password or the password you set
- Image capture address: http://ip/webcapture.jpg?command=snap&channel=1
- RTSP Ports: 554
- RTSP Url: rtsp://[ip]:[port]/[Stream]
- Stream: Primary stream: mpeg4,Secondary stream: mpeg4cif
- Example URL: rtsp://
- HTTP web Port: 80
- ONVIF Port: 80
- Data port: 8091
- Username: admin
- Password: 123456
- Image capture address: http://ip/snapshot.cgi
- RTSP Ports: 8554
- RTSP Url: rtsp://[ip]:[port]/[Stream]
- Stream: Primary stream: live1.264,Secondary stream: live0.264
- Example URL: rtsp://
- Username: admin
- Password: No password or the password you set
- RTSP Ports: 554
- RTSP Url: rtsp://[ip]:[port]/[Stream]
- Stream: Primary stream: ch0_0.264,Secondary stream: ch0_1.264
- Example URL: rtsp://
- Username: admin
- Password: No password or the password you set
- RTSP Ports: 554
- RTSP Url: rtsp://[username]:[password]@[ip]:[port]/[Stream]
- Stream: video1,video2,video3
- Example URL: rtsp://admin:1111@
- HTTP web Port: 80
- ONVIF Port: 80
- Https port: 110 or 443
- Username: admin
- Password: 1111 or the password you set
- RTSP Ports: 554
- RTSP Url: rtsp://[ip]:[port]
- Example URL: rtsp://
- ONVIF Port: 8080
- Username: admin
- Password: 1111 or the password you set
- RTSP Ports: 554
- RTSP Url: rtsp://[ip]/[Stream]
- Stream: av0_0,av0_1
- Example URL: rtsp://
- ONVIF Port: 2000
- Username: admin
- Password: admin or the password you set
Common uses of ONVIF and RTSP
Connect to NVR or NAS
ONVIF and RTSP can be used to add cameras to a Network Video Recorder (NVR) or Network Attached Storage (NAS). This allows you to monitor and record the real-time video stream from the camera, and manage and store the recorded content.
Using Third-Party Software
ONVIF and RTSP can also be used in conjunction with third-party software to provide additional features such as monitoring, analyzing, and storing video data. These software programs typically have flexible configuration options and powerful data analysis capabilities to meet different business needs.
Great resource! This comprehensive list of RTSP and ONVIF ports is super helpful for anyone setting up network cameras. Thanks for verifying the information; it saves a lot of time and effort!
Great list! This is incredibly helpful for setting up my surveillance system. I appreciate the detailed information on the RTSP and ONVIF ports for different brands. It saves me a lot of time in configuring my cameras. Thanks for sharing!
Further to my previous post about YiIot IP cams … I should have said that I was looking for a Streaming URL from the cam so I can connect the camera to my PC. Thanks again.
Hi, and thanks for all your good work.
Does anyone know the url for a YiIot lightbulb camera?? Have spent a lot of time on iSpy trying various combinations, but nothing works on this cam.
Thanks in anticipation …………………
Wow, I’ve never seen a collection of RTSP and ONVIF ports like this before! This will be super helpful for me to troubleshoot and connect with my brand camera. Thanks for sharing!