This tutorial applies to both CamHi and CamHipro cameras, and we recommend using the CamHipro APP.
This article contains all the contents of CamHiPro, multiple ways to add, settings of CamHiPro camera functions, how to use the computer, and will be continuously updated.
Download CamHipro APP
Download The “Camhipro” App From The Apple App Store Or From The Google Play Store.

Connect CamHipro camera
Please follow the steps below to find the hotspot AP of the CamHipro camera and connect to it, set up the camera’s WiFi, and let it connect to the WiFi router in your home wirelessly
1. Turn On The Mobile Wlan And Connect the Hotspot Wifi “IPCAM-XXXXX” ,Default Password “01234567”

2. Open The Camhipro App, Select “+” > “IP camera” >“New device” > You will see a new device UID name as “xxxxx-xxxx-xxxx ” >Click “Yes,I want to add this device” >”Add to”

3. Select your home Internet WiFi and enter your WiFi password,Click”Configure wireless and add device” to finish the setting.
(You will hear a tone from camera once it connected to your WiFi network.)
- the camera will be sending One Big voice out when connected successfully.
- if not success, the camera gives you 4 small tones, that will be WIFI Password error

Each camera can be managed by several Camhipro app
- After you setup the camera connected to your home WiFi, go to setting page;
- Find top right share icon to get a QR code;
- Then ask your family download Camhipro, scan the QR code to add the camera to the device list.
Format Micro SD Card
Open Camhipro app, Tap on the Gear Wheel Icon” “ > SD card setting > format SD card.
The camera will start loop recording once installed micro sd card, 10min per video, the latest video will cover the oldest video.

Intelligent Tracking Settings
1. Slide the menu to 3
2. Click the icon “ ”
3. Tap on Intelligent tracking

Motion Detection Settings
Open Camhipro app, Tap on the Gear Wheel Icon” “> Alarm management and notification >Turn on both “Receive alarm push” and “Motion detection alarm”.
If you want the camera also detects a sound, please turn on “Audible alarm”.
If you only want the camera detect motion at night or any special time, you can go to “Advanced Setting” to set up the time range

Actions When Detect a Motion
Save Motion Videos to micro SD Card
If you have inserted a micro SD card to camera, you will be able to turn on the switch “Alarm recording to SD card” (can not turn on if no sd card).

Sound Warning
If you want the camera warning with a sound when detect the motion, please turn on “When the alarm is triggered, the device issues a siren”.

Email Alert (Gmail setting reference)
- If you want camera send an Email Alert with picture, you can turn on “Alarm Capture sent to Email”, and configure Email, see below photos
for your reference. - Tap “Apply” before Test

Please turn on Gmail 2-factor Authentication
- If your gmail has not turned on 2-factor authentication
a. Login gmail account and go to Google apps > Account > Security page.
b. Scroll the page down to Less secure app aces and click to turn it on (only personal gmail account has this option) - If you gmail has turned on 2-factor authentication
a. Please login gmail account and go to Google apps > Account > Security page, find 2-step verification and turn on.
b. Setup an APP password, select windows mail type, and use this unique password instead your original gmail password in email alert setting page.
Recording setting
- The camera will continue loop record videos after you inserted the sd card.
- Saved to sd card 10min per video, no matter if there is a motion, there is a blue label “plan recording” for this kind of videos.
- If you have turned on the motion detection and action with alarm “Alarm recording to SD card”, you may also find there are 14s short videos with Orange label “Alarm Recording”, these videos are all recorded when the camera is triggered by a motion.
- The Alarm recording could stop the Plan recording when there is a motion, so the plan recording maybe shorter than normal 10min per video.
- If you just want to save the motion videos and hope the limited sd card to save videos for a longer time, please go to “SD card plan record” to turn OFF “Enable record”, and also make sure “motion detection alarm” and “motion reording to sd card” are both opened.
Playback and Download Videos From Micro SD Card
Please tap the icon to check videos saved in micro SD card, select and tap a video to play, if you wan t to find older videos, tap the right down Search icon to select the date.
Select your Time Zone, and enable Daylight Saving Time, then Click Saving Time Zone for Device, Open Camhipro app, Tap on the Gear Wheel Icon” “ > Time Setting > Enable Daylight Saving Time > Saving Time Zone for Device.

Upload Pictures and Videos to FTP Server
If you want to upload pictures and videos to FTP server, please turn on “Alarm recording to FTP” and “Alarm Capture saved to FTP”, and configure FTP, Tap “Apply” before test

Download Video
Select the video > Tap the video > Tap Download >after Download complete, Tap “To View”.
If you want to save this video to phone or share with family, you can tap download icon to save to album, then you can find the videos in your phone photo album. right down Search icon to select the date (make sure your camera date and time were right when recorded)

Use Two-way Talk
If you want to talk with camera, need go to live video page
Step 1: Activate the Speaker icon, you can hear from camera
Step 2: Active the Microphone icon to speak
Note: You can not hear from camera when you active microphone, and can not speak when you hear from the camera, so you need switch from the microphone and speaker.

IR LED Night Vision and Floodlight
CamHipro camera has 3 types night vision mode:
Ordinary: IR LED works at night (light is low) automatically, picture is black/white, Floodlight does not work.
Color: IR LED does not work at night, Floodlight works at night, picture is color .
Intelligent: IR LED works at night, and when there is a motion detected, the IR LED will be off, the Floodlight will be on for 30 seconds, the it will be off if there is no motion in 30 seconds, if there are continue motions, the floodlight working time will extend until no motion detected, after floodlight off, the IR led will work again.

Reset CamHipro Camera
Connect camera to power adapter, press and hold camera reset button for 20 seconds, it will reset and restart in 1 min, the reset button is on the cable with a cover.
Why can’t I find the wifi of CamHipro camera?
Please make sure the camera is NOT connecting Ethernet cable, press and hold the reset button on the cable for 20 seconds, wait for 30 seconds, check in your phone WLAN setting, there should be a WiFi signal named IPCAM-xxxxx, if still can not find the wifi signal, quick press the reset button and wait for 20 seconds, there should be a wifi signal now, the format is IPCAM- XXXXX.
Why can’t I connect to my CamHipro camera?
1. Check your Wi-Fi name and password, if there is any special character.
2. Make sure your WiFi is 2.4G, it does not support 5G.
3. Make sure your camera and mobile phone are near the router.
4. Reset the camera to reconnect the camera
Why is there a delay in CamHipro camera video?
Check the WIFI network, the distance between the camera and the router should not be too far.
View more frequently asked questions
Does this app support 4-in-1 multi-view?
I’m getting all these videos without any motion out there I’ve changed all the settings to different settings and can’t get results when I set it to receive alerts I get a ton of videos like every minute without any movement out there when I go out there the camera follows me but does not record any video I don’t know what else to do but return the camera