How to view the Alerts video of YI IoT camera?
When you want to watch Alerts videos from YI IoT cameras, you will see an alert message. This means that in order to watch these videos, you must purchase a cloud storage service. (Android phones can be viewed for 6 seconds)

But, if you have a memory card inserted, you can view the Alerts video here.
YI IoT camera Live Video > Activity > Select SD Card

How do you set up a YI IoT camera?
- How to Share YI IoT camera?
- How to set up video recording?
- How to set up motion detection?
- How to set up YI IoT camera Motion tracking?
How to connect YI IoT camera to wifi?
Connecting the YI IoT camera is easy, you just need to follow the app instructions to connect.
Or you can check out this guide that describes in detail how to use the YI IoT camera.
How To Fix YI IoT camera can not connect to wifi?
If you are having trouble connecting your YI IoT camera to your WiFi network, please don’t worry, we recommend that you review the guide below and follow the steps provided to try and fix it.
1. Please move closer to your router, and reboot your router. (This will fix the router wifi signal problem)
2. Restart your YI IoT camera (this will fix the software fault)
3. Make sure the YI IoT camera beeps
4. Connect to the 2.4Ghz wifi, make sure your wifi password is correct, the wifi name and password should preferably be in English, numbers, English symbols.
5. Then start connecting the YI IoT camera to the wifi.
For more details on how to connect, please see: Set Up YI IoT Camera User Manual (Ultimate Guide)
If you still cannot connect to the YI IoT camera, it is recommended to recheck the above issues and reconnect.
If the connection fails more than 3 times, it is possible that the YI IoT camera is faulty, please contact your seller.
Other fixes?
If you can’t fix it by following the above guide, then you need to check your wifi for restrictions such as mac whitelisting, router issues, etc.
I don’t recommend it though, router issues are less likely and will need to be checked by an expert.
I would recommend you simply replace the YI IoT camera.
Why is my YI IoT Camera offline?
YI IoT camera is offline you can try to reset the camera then reconnect the YI IoT camera.
It is also possible that there is a wifi signal problem, it is recommended to keep the YI IoT camera closer to the router.
Related articles: Why is my YI IoT camera offline and how do I fix it?
Why does YI IoT Camera only record for 6 seconds?
No, 6 seconds is a cloud storage record and you need to purchase a subscription to record more time.
If you are using a memory card, you can view the video in YI IoT camera Live Video > Activity > Select SD Card.
Is YI IoT the same as YI Home?
YI IoT and YI Home are both apps developed by yi technology.
YI IoT is an app used by a third party manufacturer, and there are many different brands of cameras using YI IoT app.
YI Home APP can only be used by yi technology’s official cameras.
Can you use YI IoT camera without cloud?
You don’t need to buy cloud storage. You can use memory cards for recording.
How many YI IoT cameras can I connect?
YI IOT can connect up to 50 cameras
Can 2 phones connect to YI IoT camera?
No, you can’t connect multiple phones to the same YI IoT camera.
You can share the camera to enable multiple phones to use it.
Can I watch my YI IoT camera on my computer?
Yes, you can.
YI IoT supports Windows PC, you can download YI IoT For Pc here
Cameras can be shared, you can see how to share YI IoT cameras here
Can I view multiple YI IoT cameras at once?
Click the ” icon to watch 4 YI IoT cameras at the same time.
View the description of YI IoT icon
How do I connect a second YI IoT camera?
You need to connect YI IoT cameras one by one, the connection method is the same.
Do YI IoT cameras support ONVIF or RTSP?
YI IoT cameras do not support ONVIF or RTSP.
Miért nem vesz fel a camera az SD kártyára? Egy kb. 1hónapig rögzített. A valós időt tudom nézni, de nem rögzít visszanézhető videot.
Viszont rengeted reklám felugrik azelőtt nem(amig rögzített.) A reklámokat hogy tudom kiszúrni?
Még nem kaptam választ.
Miért nem vesz fel a camera az SD kártyára? Egy kb. 1hónapig rögzített. A valós időt tudom nézni, de nem rögzít visszanézhető videot.
Viszont rengeted reklám felugrik azelőtt nem(amig rögzített.) A reklámokat hogy tudom kiszúrni?
YI IoT cameras can be modified with a SD Card image, so that you ONVIF is supported (as long as the sd card is inserted while using it). Therefore port 8899 will be provided with user “root” and password “root1234”.